If you are a passionate scuba diver and enjoy diving holidays you will certainly appreciate the ability to explore the expansive and pristine waters filled with exotic wildlife, wrecks, and coral reefs.
With a very diverse choice of destinations for the dive holidays, you will certainly find some quality sites in the UK, Europe, Caribbean, Australia and the US. Here are some of the main types of diving styles for those hoping to plan one of the more adventurous last minute holidays:
Where are the best places for diving holidays
Diving Holidays
Wreck Diving – For many diving enthusiasts, a highly desirable style of diving is certain to relate to the ability to dive down and explore wrecks. If you are able to visit one of the sites that include the sunken treasure and a touch of history, you will certainly appreciate the many qualities of this type of diving experience. Whether you are diving down to the automobile, ship, plane or similar wreck, you will soon be met with a riot of coral growth and an abundance of fish species. Some of the top wreck diving destinations include Australia, Bikini Atoll, Bermuda, France, Gibraltar, Norway, Solomon Islands, Sardinia, Scotland, and South West England.
Shore Diving – If you are looking for one of the easiest dive sites, you might want to look at the availability of those that are basically situated just feet from the shoreline. By avoiding a boat trip you are able to easily access a quality dive site without too much difficulty. If you are planning on one of the cheap holidays to a diving holidays destination, you will certainly appreciate the shore dive opportunities since they are likely to be that much more cost-effective when compared to needing to take a boat out to reach the site. Also, you get a lot more flexibility in relation to planning the day’s activity and you will have complete control of the itinerary. They are likely to be perfect for the non diving partners and the photographers. Some of the more desirable shore diving holidays destinations are likely to include the Maldives, Florida, Red Sea, Cayman Islands, Bonaire, and Gozo.
Coral Reefs – If wishing to explore the beautiful undersea world of coral reefs then you will certainly appreciate these living structures that are able to offer a vibrancy of colour and a magnificent collection of marine life. Many of the popular diving destinations will include some sort of coral reef, but the more spectacular sights are certain to be found in Australia, Fiji, French Polynesia, Micronesia, Indonesia, and Malaysia.